Watermelon Mutton Bustin is back for 2025!!
$20 Entry Fee
Thursday, May 8 @ 7:00 PM
6 years & Under! Max weight 60 pounds!!
Click here to register:
Please arrive by 6:30 PM to collect your back number. Located at the Beauregard Parish Fairgrounds. **Not being held inside the Livestock barn. Way too hot last year.
2 Age Divisions:
4 Years & Under and 5 to 6 Years
Top 5 in each Age Division receive buckles.
Top Mutton Buster in each Age Division receive Custom Buckles!
Please send $20 registration fee via PayPal to stephbeauchamber@gmail.com
Include childs name in comments.
This is for the safety of the animals!!
Helmet & Vest are REQUIRED and PROVIDED.
Riders are welcome to wear their own equipment.
***You can enter more than one time but only the highest score will count toward Top 5 qualifications.
Please enter through the West Drive Gate (across from the missing sock).
Questions? Call 337-463-5533
For Entertainment Purposes ONLY. Not a sanctioned event.
1. Maximum Weight Limit of 60 Pounds.
2. Maximum age limit to be 6 years old.
3. Back Number given to each rider.
4. Participation Ribbon & Gift Certificate awarded to each rider.
5. Helmet & Vest are provided & are REQUIRED to be worn. Equipment is Youth Small. **If your child will not fit in a Youth Small, please verify their weight is UNDER 60 POUNDS and you will need to provide your own safety equipment.
6. Release Form must be signed prior to ride.
7. Champion Buckle Awarded to the Top Mutton Buster in each Age Division.
8. Top 5 Mutton Buster buckles to be awarded in each age division (4 years & Under and 5 to 6 Years).
9. If contestant rides more than 1 time, the highest awarded score will be used for Top 5 Qualifications.
10. No Refunds.
Questions? Please call 337-463-5533.
If you are unable to come to the event, please contact our office and let us know.